Monday, January 9, 2012

Why I Love Baltimore

I love Baltimore because it's where my house and stuff is.

I love Baltimore because of all my amazing friends and colleagues who live here, with whom I am so happy and proud to share this city.

I love Baltimore because I know all the drunks, and sometimes they hug me on the street, to the great alarm of my friends.

I love Baltimore because during the marathon there is a guy with a megaphone who hangs out in front of Lexington Market and provides color commentary on all the booty running by. Mine, I will note, received an excellent review.

I love Baltimore because the ladies in the housing project on Monument St. made me tea and brought me blankets when my car got squished by a Ford Explorer during a night shift, and I was stranded and cold. And I love it even more because they called me "Boo."

But most of all, I love Baltimore because of all the random-assed stuff that people do all over this city, just because they can, and because they know it will make Baltimore even more awesome. Case in point: the Robot Nativity on 34th St. Domo arigato, Baltimore!

Also some Lisa/Bob post-wedding tidbits here.

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